Wednesday 20 April 2011

Eco-friendly dog bags made from stone?!

Last year, we were contacted by a London based marketing agency who were working closely with a very well known dog food brand.

With the biggest dog show of the year fast approaching, they needed an eco-friendly bag with a chunky quality feel. Our paper bags are durable but when challenged with 5kg of dog food, we weren’t sure how they would perform. The laminated bags are fully-recyclable but due to the chemicals involved in the printing, they aren’t the most eco-friendly option.

So, we were challenged to find an alternative.

We had vaguly heard about a new paper made from stone but now was our chance to find out for ourselves.

Here comes the science bit…
Stone or rock paper is a revolutionary, treeless, mineral based paper.
It is produced using 80% calcium carbonate and 20% high density polypropylene (the same plastic that’s used in milk bottles and plastic bags) which ensures water and tear resistant properties. 

The calcium carbonate is collected as a waste material at existing limestone quarries and is ground up into a fine white chalk powder. A small quantity of non-toxic resin is then added and together these materials are converted into a printable substrate.

Stone paper leaves bags feeling soft and silky smooth to touch.

Because your dog bags are worth it…

Friday 8 April 2011


Surely everyone knows how to spell MISSISSIPPI


Apparently not... FAIL!

Friday 1 April 2011


"So fun, they won't even know their learning"

Maybe the proof reader of the advert should go back to school...?!

There - there is a spelling FAIL!
Their - it was their mistake!
They're - they're not too clever!

Check your work BEFORE going to print... PLEASE!!